Category Archives: Minimum Wage

Councilmembers Interview – Podcast April 14, 2024

The Complexities And Challenges Of Managing A Small City. Steve Williamson welcomes three members of the Sedona City Council: Pete Furman, Melissa Dunn, and Brian Fultz to discuss some of the more controversial issues facing the city. None of the … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Community Activism, Compassion, Conspiracy Theories, Democratic Governance, Disinformation, Elections, Federal Lands, Government, Housing, Infrastructure, Interviews, Journalism, Labor Shortages, Local Politics, Mass Media, Minimum Wage, Misinformation, Political Polarization, Public Lands, Public Policy, Public Service, Tourism | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Councilmembers Interview – Podcast April 14, 2024

Podcast October 30, 2023

A Real Fright. On Halloween Eve, host Steve Williamson and contributor Gary LaMaster discuss the scariest development in Washington DC this year – the selection of MAGA Mike Johnson as the 56th Speaker of the US House of Representatives. In … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Bigotry, Campaign Finance, Civil Rights, Climate Change, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Constitutional Issues, Dark Money, Domestic Extremism, Energy Policy, Foreign Affairs, Funding, Global Warming, Government, Immigration, LGBTQ Issues, Marriage Equality, Medicaid, Medicare, Minimum Wage, Misogyny, National Politics, Political Parties, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Religion, Russia, Social Security, Supreme Court, Theocracy, Ukraine, Women's Rights | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast October 30, 2023

LaMaster Interview – Podcast November 22, 2021

A Warning For Democrats From Flyover Country. The Midwest and rural America are often thought of as unimportant. Yet, thanks to the Electoral College, rural voters have an undue influence on national politics. And, increasingly they vote Republican. Partly, that’s … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, Budget Negotiations, Civil Society, Class Conflict, Conservative Paranoia, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Democratic Governance, Disinformation, Domestic Extremism, Domestic Policy, Domestic Violence, Economic Stimulus, Education, Environmentalism, Government, Immigration, Income Inequality, Infrastructure Investment, Interviews, Jobs and Employment, Journalism, Labor Movement, LIberals and Conservatives, Mass Media, Minimum Wage, Monetary Policy, National Politics, Political Lies, Political Parties, Political Polarization, Special Interest Legislation, Taxes and the Deficit | Tagged , | Comments Off on LaMaster Interview – Podcast November 22, 2021

Baker Interview – Podcast February 22, 2021

Assessing Biden’s Pandemic Relief Package. Democratic Perspective welcomes Dean Baker, author, macroeconomist, and co-founder of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C. to discuss the $1.9 trillion bill. “It’s a large bill. No two ways about it,” … Continue reading

Posted in Domestic Policy, Economic Policy, Economic Stimulus, Financial Crisis, Fiscal Policy, Government, Interviews, Jobs and Employment, Labor Unions, Minimum Wage, Monetary Policy, National Politics, Pharmaceutical Pricing and Procurement, Political History, Small Business, U.S. Budget, Unemployment | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Baker Interview – Podcast February 22, 2021

Haddow Interview – Podcast September 30, 2019

Defending Local Democracy. Democratic Perspective co-hosts, Steve Williamson and Mike Cosentino welcome Kim Haddow, director of the non-partisan Local Solutions Support Center. She recently spoke to AZ League of Cities and Towns about pre-emption – the act of state legislatures … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Citizens United, Community, Dark Money, Democratic Governance, Environmental Issues, Government, Interviews, Local Politics, Minimum Wage, National Politics | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Haddow Interview – Podcast September 30, 2019

Richtman Interview – Podcast June 10, 2019

Debunking The Myths About Social Security. Democratic Perspective welcomes back Max Richtman, President and CEO of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare to talk about fixing Social Security. He begins by talking about the myth that Social … Continue reading

Posted in Economic Stimulus, Entitlements, Government, Interviews, Medicare, Minimum Wage, National Politics, Pharmaceutical Pricing and Procurement, Social Security | Tagged | Comments Off on Richtman Interview – Podcast June 10, 2019

Doug Ballard Interview — Podcast April 3, 2017

After the Debacle of 2016, It’s Clear That the Democratic Party Has Problems: Does It Have Any Solutions? Doug Ballard, Arizona Democratic Party stalwart, former chair of the Coconino County Democratic Party, Democratic Candidate for the Arizona State Legislature, and currently Arizona … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, Arizona Politics, Campaign Finance, Dark Money, Democratic Governance, Demographic Trends, Disinformation, Domestic Policy, Economic Policy, Education Policy, Elections, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, Government, Health Care, Health Care Delivery, Health Insurance, Immigration, International Terrorism, Interviews, Jobs and Employment, Labor Unions, LIberals and Conservatives, Media Campaigns, Military Policy, Minimum Wage, Misogyny, National Politics, National Security, Podcasts, Political Action Committees, Political Contributions, Political Parties, Presidential Elections, Public Education, Public Health Policy, Public Policy, Racism, Social Services, Supreme Court, Underemployment, Unemployment | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Doug Ballard Interview — Podcast April 3, 2017

The Upcoming Trump Administration: What Should We Expect? — Podcast December 26, 2016

Billionaires, Generals, and White Supremacists: Donald Trump Introduces the Ship of State to Its New Crew. Gary LaMaster, Klaus von Stutterheim, and Steve Williamson look at President-Elect Trump’s picks for Cabinet and senior advisory positions. Compared to past administrations, this one appears to be … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, Anti-Federalism, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Class Conflict, Climate Change, Conspiracy Theories, Corruption, De-regulation, Democratic Governance, Domestic Policy, Economic Policy, Education Policy, Elections, Environmental Issues, Foreign Policy, Health Insurance, Immigration, Income Inequality, Industrial Policy, International Relations, Labor Unions, Mass Media, Middle East Policy, Military Policy, Minimum Wage, National Politics, National Security, Nuclear Weapons, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Podcasts, Political Lies, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Privatization, Public Education, Public Health Policy, Racism, Regulatory Agencies, Trade Policy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

The Sanders Campaign: Is It Really Over When It’s Over? — Podcast June 20, 2016

Bernie and Hillary: In Politics, as in Asymmetric Warfare, Declarations of Victory Can Sometimes Be Premature. Democratic Perspective looks at the passions driving the Sanders campaign, the threat of a permanent schism in the Democratic Party, and what effect — if any — committed Sanders supporters will have on … Continue reading

Posted in Class Conflict, Cultural Change, Democratic Governance, Demographic Trends, Economic Policy, Education Policy, Elections, Energy Policy, Environmental Issues, Financial Sector, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, Gun Control, Health Care, Immigration, Income Inequality, Jobs and Employment, Labor Unions, Media Campaigns, Middle East Policy, Military Policy, Minimum Wage, Monetary Policy, National Politics, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Podcasts, Political Parties, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Public Education, Social Security, Social Services, Socialism | Tagged , , | Comments Off on The Sanders Campaign: Is It Really Over When It’s Over? — Podcast June 20, 2016

The State of the Union: A Study in Contrasts — Podcast January 18, 2016

President Obama vs. the Republican Mud-Wrestlers: Who’s Actually Worthy of Our Trust? Democratic Perspective reviews the state of the nation, and of our national politics. President Obama, in his State of the Union address, asks the American people to take seriously the issues … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Rights, Climate Change, Conservative Paranoia, Conspiracy Theories, Cultural Change, Democratic Governance, Digital Revolution, Economic Policy, Education Policy, Elections, Energy Policy, Environmental Issues, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, Global Warming, Government, Gun Control, Health Care, Industrial Policy, International Relations, International Terrorism, Iran, Islamic Republic, Labor Unions, LIberals and Conservatives, Mass Incarceration, Mass Shootings, Minimum Wage, National Politics, National Security, Podcasts, Policing, Political Lies, Political Polarization, Poverty, Propaganda, Public Education, Renewable Energy, Social Contract, Sustainable Development, Unemployment | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The State of the Union: A Study in Contrasts — Podcast January 18, 2016