Tag Archives: Pandemic

Del Palacio Interview – Podcast June 26, 2023

The Critical Importance Of School Boards. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome to Devin Del Palacio to discuss his views on education as a long-time volunteer and advocate. He has been a school board member for 8 years, served at … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Civil Society, Community Activism, Democratic Governance, Domestic Policy, Education, Education Policy, Elections, Government, Infrastructure, Interviews, LIberals and Conservatives, Local Politics, Political Polarization, Public Education, Public Service, Voting | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Del Palacio Interview – Podcast June 26, 2023

Baker, Segner Interview – Podcast April 11, 2022

No, Inflation Isn’t The Biggest Story Of The Biden Economy. Steve and Karen welcome Dean Baker, one of the nation’s leading economists, and friend of the show Steve Segner to discuss the economy and inflation. When asked whether inflation is … Continue reading

Posted in Disinformation, Domestic Policy, Economic Policy, Economic Stimulus, Energy Policy, Fiscal Policy, Government, Growth, Interviews, Jobs and Employment, Mass Media, National Politics, Pandemic | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Baker, Segner Interview – Podcast April 11, 2022

Singal Interview – Podcast December 6, 2021

Assessing The Biden Administration. Steve and Karen welcome historian, author, and friend of the show, Dan Singal, for his thoughts on President Biden’s actions so far. He responds by saying, “Well, surprised more than anything because I think he really … Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, China, Democratic Governance, Domestic Policy, Economic Policy, Economic Stimulus, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Government, Growth, Infrastructure, Infrastructure Investment, International Relations, Interviews, Iran, National Politics, Offshoring, Pandemic, Political History, Presidential Elections, Social Contract, Trade Policy | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Singal Interview – Podcast December 6, 2021

Abramsky Interview – Podcast March 22, 2021

The Impact Of Covid-19 On American Society. Democratic Perspective welcomes back author and journalist Sasha Abramsky to discuss the consequences of the pandemic. He begins by addressing the impact on the economy, saying that those at the bottom of the … Continue reading

Posted in Business Cultural Change, Capital Accumulation, Class Conflict, Criminology, Cultural Change, Government, Health Care, Income Inequality, Interviews, Jobs and Employment, Pandemic, Public Health Policy, Unemployment | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Abramsky Interview – Podcast March 22, 2021

Baker Interview – Podcast February 22, 2021

Assessing Biden’s Pandemic Relief Package. Democratic Perspective welcomes Dean Baker, author, macroeconomist, and co-founder of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C. to discuss the $1.9 trillion bill. “It’s a large bill. No two ways about it,” … Continue reading

Posted in Domestic Policy, Economic Policy, Economic Stimulus, Financial Crisis, Fiscal Policy, Government, Interviews, Jobs and Employment, Labor Unions, Minimum Wage, Monetary Policy, National Politics, Pharmaceutical Pricing and Procurement, Political History, Small Business, U.S. Budget, Unemployment | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Baker Interview – Podcast February 22, 2021

Podcast January 4, 2021

A Look Back At One Of The Most Eventful Years In US History. The Democratic Perspective crew recaps some of the biggest stories of 2020. Klaus von Stutterheim covers the COVID-19 pandemic, Steve Williamson wraps up the presidential elections, Gary … Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry, Civil Rights, Community Activism, Conservative Paranoia, Conspiracy Theories, Constitutional Issues, Criminal Justice Reform, Democratic Governance, Domestic Extremism, Elections, Government, Health Care, Income Inequality, Jobs and Employment, Mass Incarceration, National Politics, Pandemic, Policing, Public Health Policy, Race and Class, Racial Discrimination, Racism, Social Contract, Voter Suppression | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast January 4, 2021

Baker Interview – Podcast August 17, 2020

Assessing The Economic Impact Of The Pandemic. Democratic Perspective welcomes Dean Baker, co-founder of the Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) in Washington, D.C. to discuss the short-term and long-term effects of the pandemic. He begins by noting that … Continue reading

Posted in Business, Business Cultural Change, Climate Change, Cultural Change, Domestic Policy, Economic Policy, Economic Stimulus, Environmental Issues, Financial Crisis, Fiscal Policy, Food Insecurity, Foreclosures, Global Warming, Government, Health Care Delivery, Infrastructure Investment, Innovation, Interviews, Jobs and Employment, Monetary Policy, National Politics, Pandemic, Public Education, Public Lands, Public Policy, Technology, Unemployment | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Baker Interview – Podcast August 17, 2020

MacLean Interview – Podcast July 13, 2020

Exposing The Radical Right’s Toxic Plan For America. Nancy MacLean returns to talk more about her book, Democracy In Chains. The book, which was meticulously researched and documented, has deeply angered the Koch-backed Libertarians who have taken over the Republican … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Liberties, Civil Society, Class Conflict, Conservatives and Reactionaries, De-regulation, Democratic Governance, Domestic Extremism, Economic Policy, Elections, Front Organizations, Government, Interviews, LIberals and Conservatives, National Politics, Pandemic, Political Action Committees | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on MacLean Interview – Podcast July 13, 2020

Under The Cover Of COVID – Podcast May 18, 2020

How Trump Is Changing America While We Focus on the Pandemic. Democratic Perspective co-hosts, Steve Williamson, Mike Cosentino and Klaus von Stutterheim, discuss the environmental deregulation and coverups taking place while the nation is necessarily focusing on the pandemic. For … Continue reading

Posted in Congressional Oversight, Constitutional Issues, Corruption, De-regulation, Domestic Extremism, Environment, Environmental Issues, Ethics, Federal Lands, Government, Health Care, National Politics, Public Accountability, Public Health Policy, Unemployment | Tagged , | Comments Off on Under The Cover Of COVID – Podcast May 18, 2020

LaMaster Interview – Podcast May 11, 2020

Truth Over Politics. Democratic Perspective co-hosts Steve Williamson, Mike Cosentino and Klaus von Stutterheim welcome Gary LaMaster back to the show to discuss his latest book and the structural issues that plague the US, many of which have been exposed … Continue reading

Posted in Agribusiness, Business, Capital Accumulation, Corporate Welfare, Cultural Change, Disinformation, Domestic Policy, Economic Policy, Economic Stimulus, Farm Subsidies, Financial Crisis, Food Insecurity, Government, Health Care, Income Inequality, Industrial Policy, Interviews, Journalism, Mass Media, Monetary Policy, National Politics, Offshoring, Political Lies, Presidential Elections, Public Health Policy | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on LaMaster Interview – Podcast May 11, 2020