Category Archives: Mass Media

Farah Interview – Podcast May 12, 2024

Hope In The Face Of Atrocities And Bloodshed. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Philip Farah of the Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace. Given the narrative of fighting between Muslims and Jews in the Middle East, it may come as … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Rights, Foreign Policy, Human Rights, International Relations, International Terrorism, Interviews, Israel, Labor Unions, Mass Media, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Morality, National Politics, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Religion, Resistance, Zionism | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Farah Interview – Podcast May 12, 2024

Councilmembers Interview – Podcast April 14, 2024

The Complexities And Challenges Of Managing A Small City. Steve Williamson welcomes three members of the Sedona City Council: Pete Furman, Melissa Dunn, and Brian Fultz to discuss some of the more controversial issues facing the city. None of the … Continue reading

Posted in Community, Community Activism, Compassion, Conspiracy Theories, Democratic Governance, Disinformation, Elections, Federal Lands, Government, Housing, Infrastructure, Interviews, Journalism, Labor Shortages, Local Politics, Mass Media, Minimum Wage, Misinformation, Political Polarization, Public Lands, Public Policy, Public Service, Tourism | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Councilmembers Interview – Podcast April 14, 2024

Media – Podcast March 31, 2024

Misinformation And Disinformation. Co-hosts Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland take a deep dive into one of the biggest political issues of our time – trying to sort out the truth while being deluged with spin, misstatements, half-truths, fabrications, propaganda, conspiracy … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Civil Society, Community, Conspiracy Theories, Democratic Governance, Disinformation, Domestic Extremism, Government, Mass Media, Misinformation, National Politics, Political Lies, Political Polarization, Propaganda, Social Media | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Media – Podcast March 31, 2024

Podcast November 6, 2023

The Republican Plans To Destroy America. In this show, we look at Agenda 47, the 2025 Project, and Trump’s own words to determine what to expect should Trump or another Republican win the presidency in 2024. In a new Republican … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Autocracy, Bigotry, Capital Punishment, Civil Liberties, Climate Change, Congressional Oversight, Conservative Paranoia, Constitutional Issues, Corporations, Corruption, De-regulation, Death Penalty, Department of Justice, Domestic Extremism, Domestic Violence, Drug Trafficking, Education, Elections, Energy Policy, Environmental Issues, Federal Lands, Foreign Policy, Front Organizations, Government, Housing, Immigration, Income Inequality, Intelligence Agencies, International Relations, Judicial System, Justice System, Legal Issues, LGBTQ Issues, Mass Media, Military, National Politics, Political Action Committees, Political Candidacy, Presidential Elections, Privatization, Public Education, Regulatory Agencies, Special Counsel Investigation, Taxation, Trade Policy, Voting, Women's Rights | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast November 6, 2023

Baker Interview – Podcast October 16, 2023

The Deficit, Inflation, Media, And Republican Dysfunction. Karen McClelland and Steve Williamson welcome acclaimed economist Dean Baker back to the show. Baker is co-founder of the Center for Economic and Policy Research. They begin by discussing the federal deficit. “It’s … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Paranoia, Conspiracy Theories, Deficit Reduction, Disinformation, Domestic Policy, Economic Policy, Fiscal Policy, Government, Income Inequality, Inflation, Interviews, IRS, Jobs and Employment, Mass Media, Monetary Policy, National Politics, Political Lies, Tax and Investment Policy, Tax Law, Tax Revenues, Taxation, Taxes and the Deficit | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Baker Interview – Podcast October 16, 2023

The Midterms – Podcast November 7, 2022

GOP’s Fear Playbook. On the day before midterm elections, Steve Williamson, Karen McClelland and Stephen Hanks address the lack of substance in the campaigns of most Republican candidates, noting that it’s easier for candidates to point out problems than it … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Campaign Finance, Civil Society, Community, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Dark Money, Domestic Extremism, Education, Elections, Ethics, Front Organizations, Government, Health Care Policy, Immigration, LIberals and Conservatives, Local Politics, Mass Media, Media Campaigns, National Politics, Political Action Committees, Political Lies, Political Parties, Political Polarization, Public Education, Voting | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on The Midterms – Podcast November 7, 2022

Singal Interview – Podcast August 15, 2022

Optimism For Democrats In Upcoming Elections. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome historian Dan Singal back to the show to give his views on the current state of politic affairs. Asked about Democrats’ prospects for the midterms, Singal, who has … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, China, Climate Change, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Constitutional Issues, Democratic Governance, Department of Justice, Domestic Extremism, Economic Policy, Elections, Energy Policy, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, Global Warming, Government, Health Care Policy, Infrastructure Investment, Innovation, Interviews, Mass Media, Medicare, Military Policy, Monetary Policy, National Politics, Pharmaceutical Pricing and Procurement, Political Candidacy, Political Polarization, Political Theory, Presidential Elections, Public Health Policy, Supreme Court, Taxation, Women's Issues, Women's Rights | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Singal Interview – Podcast August 15, 2022

Bacevich Interview – Podcast April 18, 2022

Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine. The History And Unseen Consequences. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Andrew Bacevich to the show. Bacevich is a Professor Emeritus of International Relations and History at Boston University as well as co-founder and president of … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Liberties, Civil Society, Climate Change, Democratic Governance, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Genocide, Global Warming, Government, Human Rights, International Relations, Interviews, Mass Media, National Security, National Sovereignty | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Bacevich Interview – Podcast April 18, 2022

Baker, Segner Interview – Podcast April 11, 2022

No, Inflation Isn’t The Biggest Story Of The Biden Economy. Steve and Karen welcome Dean Baker, one of the nation’s leading economists, and friend of the show Steve Segner to discuss the economy and inflation. When asked whether inflation is … Continue reading

Posted in Disinformation, Domestic Policy, Economic Policy, Economic Stimulus, Energy Policy, Fiscal Policy, Government, Growth, Interviews, Jobs and Employment, Mass Media, National Politics, Pandemic | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Baker, Segner Interview – Podcast April 11, 2022

Help Keep Us On The Air.

We began this show 10 years ago to counter the many falsehoods circulated by rightwing media. By interviewing experts on a wide range of topics, including civil rights, community affairs, economics, history, justice and, yes, politics, our goal is to … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Business, Community, Community Activism, Education, Elections, Funding, Interviews, Journalism, Mass Media, National Politics, Public Service | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Help Keep Us On The Air.