Category Archives: Mass Migration

21st Century Challenges – Podcast June 16, 2024

Can We Rise To The Occasion? The world is currently facing a number of what seem to be insurmountable problems – the threat of autocracy, business monopolies, growing wealth disparity, gun violence, climate crisis, mass migration, mass extinctions and artificial … Continue reading

Posted in Autocracy, Automation, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Corporations, Democratic Governance, Economic Policy, Economic Theory, Elections, Energy Policy, Environment, Global Warming, Government, Gun Control, Immigration, Income Inequality, inherited Wealth, Jobs and Employment, Mass Extinction, Mass Migration, National Politics, Offshoring, Presidential Elections, Public Policy, Refugees, Supreme Court, Taxation, Technology, Voting | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on 21st Century Challenges – Podcast June 16, 2024

Podcast December 31, 2023

Year In Review. On New Year’s Eve, Steve Williamson, Karen McClelland and Gary LaMaster review some of the biggest news stories of 2023, including Trump’s legal problems, the Israeli-Hamas war, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Bidenomics, and more. They also … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Autocracy, Bigotry, China, Civil Liberties, Climate Change, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Conspiracy Theories, Constitutional Issues, Corruption, Democratic Governance, Domestic Extremism, Elections, Environmental Issues, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Global Warming, Human Rights, Immigration, Inflation, International Relations, Israel, Legal Issues, Mass Extinction, Mass Migration, Middle East, National Politics, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Political Polarization, Racial Discrimination, Religion, Resistance, Russia, Special Counsel Investigation, Supreme Court, Ukraine | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast December 31, 2023

Podcast July 24, 2023

US Foreign Policy – Liberal Idealism v Realism. Steve Williamson and Gary LaMaster look at the many challenges now facing our nation. Our current situation stands in stark contrast to the unbridled optimism that followed the end of the Cold … Continue reading

Posted in China, Climate Change, Corporations, European Union, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Government, Human Rights, International Relations, Iran, Mass Migration, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Military, Nuclear Weapons, Philosophy, Political Action Committees, Public Accountability, Russia, Trade Policy, Ukraine | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast July 24, 2023

Work Interview – Podcast July 10, 2023

Finding Compassion For Others And Yourself. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Robertson Work back to the show. Work is an Adjunct Professor, activist and author of numerous books including A Compassionate Civilization: The Urgency of Sustainable Development and Mindful … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Civil Society, Climate Change, Community, Community Activism, Compassion, Corporations, Dark Money, Democratic Governance, Domestic Extremism, Elections, Environment, Environmental Issues, Ethics, Foreign Policy, Global Warming, Government, Human Rights, Immigration, Income Inequality, International Relations, Interviews, LIberals and Conservatives, Mass Migration, Morality, National Politics, Philosophy, Political Polarization, Poverty, Social Contract, Sustainable Development, Taxation | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Work Interview – Podcast July 10, 2023

Riemer Interview – Podcast May 15, 2023

How Climate Change Impacts Populations In Different Ways. Karen McClelland welcomes Northern Arizona University professor, Frankie Riemer, to discuss the climate crisis and how it relates to many of the other issues we face. Riemer says, “I think that what’s … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Arizona Politics, Biodiversity, Business Cultural Change, Child Protection, Class Conflict, Climate Change, Compassion, Cultural Change, Cultural Diversity, Environmental Issues, Food Insecurity, Foreign Affairs, Global Warming, Government, Human Rights, Hunger, Immigration, Income Inequality, International Relations, Interviews, Mass Migration, National Politics, Poverty, Race and Class, Racial Discrimination, Refugees, Water Policy, Women's Issues | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Riemer Interview – Podcast May 15, 2023

Work Interview – Podcast February 20, 2023

Compassion In Politics? Steve and Karen welcome Robertson Work back to the show. A former UN employee and teacher, he is currently an activist, writer, and poet. One of his most noted books is A Compassionate Civilization: The Urgency of … Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry, Biodiversity, Civil Society, Compassion, Cultural Change, Environment, Environmental Issues, Global Warming, Human Rights, Interviews, LIberals and Conservatives, Mass Extinction, Mass Migration, Misogyny, Morality, National Politics, Philosophy, Political Polarization, Refugees, Wilderness Preservation | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Work Interview – Podcast February 20, 2023

Lenze Interview – Podcast March 14, 2022

Assessing Putin’s War. Steve Williamson welcomes Paul Lenze, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Politics & International Affairs at Northern Arizona University, to discuss Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Asked about the news coverage of the invasion, Lenze responds, “They’ve done … Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, Civil Liberties, Democratic Governance, European Union, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Human Rights, Immigration, International Relations, International Terrorism, Interviews, Mass Migration, Middle East, Military, Military Policy, Nuclear Weapons, Political History, Refugees, U.S. Armed Forces | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Lenze Interview – Podcast March 14, 2022

Goodwin Interview – Podcast August 2, 2021

Philosophy And Climate Change. Filling in for Steve and Hava, Holli Ploog welcomes Matthew Goodwin, PhD to the show. Goodwin is a professor at Northern Arizona University, founder of Sedona Philosophy and an activist for addressing the climate crisis. He … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Community, Community Activism, Disinformation, Domestic Policy, Education, Environment, Environmental Issues, Global Warming, Infrastructure, Infrastructure Investment, Innovation, Interviews, Mass Migration, Philosophy, Public Policy, Public Private Collaboration, Renewable Energy, Technology, Water Policy | Tagged , | Comments Off on Goodwin Interview – Podcast August 2, 2021

Jordahl Interview – Podcast February 1, 2021

The Ecological Disasters Created By The Border Wall. Laiken Jordahl, borderlands campaigner for the Center for Biological Diversity, joins Steve Williamson to discuss the devastating ecological impact of the border wall. Jordahl notes that about 450 miles of new border … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Biodiversity, Civil Liberties, Climate Change, Conservative Paranoia, Constitutional Issues, Environment, Environmental Issues, Federal Lands, Global Warming, Human Rights, Immigration, Interviews, Mass Migration, National Politics, Native American Issues, Paul Gosar, Public Lands, Wilderness Preservation, Wildlife Habitat, Border Wall | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Jordahl Interview – Podcast February 1, 2021

Riemer Interview – Podcast December 9, 2019

Gender Inequality And Climate Change. Steve, Mike and Klaus welcome Frances (Frankie) Riemer, PhD to speak about gender inequity from climate change. Riemer is a professor at Northern Arizona University and member of the Northern Arizona Climate Change Alliance. She … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Community Activism, Environment, Environmental Issues, Ethics, Global Warming, Government, Interviews, Mass Migration, Privatization, Water Policy, Women's Issues | Tagged , | Comments Off on Riemer Interview – Podcast December 9, 2019