Category Archives: Mass Incarceration

Dictator In Waiting – Podcast March 17, 2024

Trump In His Own Words And Actions. Now that Trump has sealed up the Republican nomination, we decided it was time to consider what he might do in a second term in the White House. (Remember, he has already been … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Affordable Care Act, Anti-Gay Discrimination, Autocracy, Bigotry, Capital Punishment, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Class Conflict, Climate Change, Conservative Paranoia, Constitutional Issues, Corporations, Corruption, Criminal Justice Reform, De-regulation, Domestic Extremism, Domestic Terrorism, Education, Elections, Entitlements, Environmental Issues, Foreign Policy, Government, Health Care Policy, Human Rights, Immigration, Inflation, International Relations, Judicial System, Labor Unions, LGBTQ Issues, Mass Incarceration, Medicaid, Medicare, Military Policy, National Politics, Nuclear Weapons, Pandemic, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Public Accountability, Racism, Refugees, Russia, Social Security, Ukraine, Voter Suppression, Women's Rights | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Dictator In Waiting – Podcast March 17, 2024

Podcast January 14, 2024

Are Israel And Russia Guilty Of Genocide? Steve Williamson and Gary LaMaster consider the accusations of genocide leveled against the two nations. What are the latest numbers of death and destruction in the two wars? When do the actions of … Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Genocide, Housing, Human Rights, International Relations, International Terrorism, Israel, Judicial System, Justice System, Mass Incarceration, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Military, Morality, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Religion, Resistance, Russia, Ukraine | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast January 14, 2024

Podcast January 7, 2024

A Deep Dive Into The Israeli-Hamas War. Steve Williamson and Gary LaMaster look at the history of the conflict, the conditions that led to the most recent outbreak of violence, the crimes committed by both sides, and Israel’s influence in … Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry, Democratic Governance, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Government, Human Rights, International Relations, International Terrorism, Iran, Israel, Mass Incarceration, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Morality, National Politics, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Propaganda, Refugees, Religion, Ukraine | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast January 7, 2024

Rothchild Interview – Podcast November 27, 2023

Identifying The Root Causes Of The Israeli-Gaza War. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Alice Rothchild to discuss Gaza and its war with Israel. Rothchild is a physician, author, activist, and filmmaker who has devoted decades to understanding and writing … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Liberties, Civil Society, Disinformation, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Government, Health Care, Housing, Human Rights, Infrastructure, International Relations, Interviews, Israel, Mass Incarceration, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Military Policy, Morality, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Refugees, Resistance, Theocracy, Women's Issues | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Rothchild Interview – Podcast November 27, 2023

Rothchild Interview – Podcast August 21, 2023

Israel’s On-going Apartheid Of Palestinians. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Alice Rothchild who just returned from Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank to help us understand the latest developments in the area. Rothchild is a retired OB-GYN turned documentary … Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry, Civil Liberties, Democratic Governance, Domestic Extremism, Government, Human Rights, International Relations, Interviews, Journalism, Judicial System, LGBTQ Issues, Mass Incarceration, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Military, Morality, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Political History, Poverty, Religion, Theocracy, Unemployment, Water Policy, Women's Issues, Women's Rights | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Rothchild Interview – Podcast August 21, 2023

Post Interview – Podcast April 4, 2022

A Modern-Day Form Of Slavery. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome international human rights attorney Dianne Post to discuss the abuses and disproportionate cost of for-profit private prisons. Post was first on our show in 2013 to discuss the same … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Capitalism, Civil Liberties, Civil Society, Constitutional Issues, Corporate Welfare, Corporations, Corrections Policy, Corruption, Criminal Justice Reform, Ethics, Government, Human Rights, Immigration, Interviews, Mass Incarceration, Morality, National Politics, Penology, Private Prisons, Privatization, Public Accountability, Public Policy, Public Private Collaboration, Refugees, Slavery | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Post Interview – Podcast April 4, 2022

Stienstra Interview – Podcast March 29, 2021

Restoration Versus Retribution. Co-hosts Hava Derby and Steve Williamson welcome Dustin Gilman Stienstra, Executive Director of Northern Arizona Restorative Justice, to address the failures of our current justice system and how restorative justice can help break the cycle of crime. … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Society, Corrections Policy, Criminal Justice Reform, Criminology, Cultural Change, Education, Interviews, Jurisprudence, Justice System, Mass Incarceration, Penology, Social Contract, Social Psychology | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Stienstra Interview – Podcast March 29, 2021

Podcast February 8, 2021

Unequal Under The Law. Steve Williamson, Hava Derby and Gary LaMaster continue the discussion on criminal justice reform. To begin the conversation, they note that the U.S. incarcerates more people than any other nation – 2.1 million as of 2018. … Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry, Civil Liberties, Class Conflict, Compassion, Corrections Policy, Criminal Justice Reform, Criminology, Cultural Change, Domestic Violence, Drug Trafficking, Education, Government, Human Rights, Income Inequality, Judicial System, Justice System, Law Enforcement, Mass Incarceration, Mental Health Programs, Morality, Penology, Policing, Race and Class, Racial Discrimination, Racism | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast February 8, 2021

Podcast January 4, 2021

A Look Back At One Of The Most Eventful Years In US History. The Democratic Perspective crew recaps some of the biggest stories of 2020. Klaus von Stutterheim covers the COVID-19 pandemic, Steve Williamson wraps up the presidential elections, Gary … Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry, Civil Rights, Community Activism, Conservative Paranoia, Conspiracy Theories, Constitutional Issues, Criminal Justice Reform, Democratic Governance, Domestic Extremism, Elections, Government, Health Care, Income Inequality, Jobs and Employment, Mass Incarceration, National Politics, Pandemic, Policing, Public Health Policy, Race and Class, Racial Discrimination, Racism, Social Contract, Voter Suppression | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast January 4, 2021

Nair Interview – Podcast April 1, 2019

Trying To Make Sense Of Violence. Democratic Perspective hosts Steve Williamson, Mike Cosentino and Klaus von Stutterhem welcome professor Sheila Nair from Northern Arizona University. An expert on Southeast Asia, she has studied the effects of the genocide in Cambodia … Continue reading

Posted in Education, Foreign Affairs, Genocide, Human Rights, Interviews, Mass Incarceration, Political History, Public Accountability, Social Psychology | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Nair Interview – Podcast April 1, 2019