Category Archives: Military Policy

Dictator In Waiting – Podcast March 17, 2024

Trump In His Own Words And Actions. Now that Trump has sealed up the Republican nomination, we decided it was time to consider what he might do in a second term in the White House. (Remember, he has already been … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Affordable Care Act, Anti-Gay Discrimination, Autocracy, Bigotry, Capital Punishment, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Class Conflict, Climate Change, Conservative Paranoia, Constitutional Issues, Corporations, Corruption, Criminal Justice Reform, De-regulation, Domestic Extremism, Domestic Terrorism, Education, Elections, Entitlements, Environmental Issues, Foreign Policy, Government, Health Care Policy, Human Rights, Immigration, Inflation, International Relations, Judicial System, Labor Unions, LGBTQ Issues, Mass Incarceration, Medicaid, Medicare, Military Policy, National Politics, Nuclear Weapons, Pandemic, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Public Accountability, Racism, Refugees, Russia, Social Security, Ukraine, Voter Suppression, Women's Rights | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Dictator In Waiting – Podcast March 17, 2024

Podcast December 17, 2023

The “Think Tanks” That Control The Republican Party. Steve Williamson and Gary LaMaster examine the rightwing organizations that hold sway over the GOP by creating policies, selecting judges, and funding candidates. Since the 1970s, these so-called think tanks have grown … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Autocracy, Bigotry, Campaign Finance, Civil Rights, Conservative Paranoia, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Constitutional Issues, Corporations, Corruption, Disinformation, Domestic Extremism, Economic Theory, Education Policy, Energy Policy, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, Front Organizations, Government, Israel, Judicial System, LGBTQ Issues, Middle East Policy, Military Policy, Misogyny, National Politics, Political Action Committees, Political History, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Privatization, Public Education, Public Policy, Religion, Supreme Court, Taxation, U.S. Court System, Voting, Women's Rights | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Podcast December 17, 2023

Rothchild Interview – Podcast November 27, 2023

Identifying The Root Causes Of The Israeli-Gaza War. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Alice Rothchild to discuss Gaza and its war with Israel. Rothchild is a physician, author, activist, and filmmaker who has devoted decades to understanding and writing … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Liberties, Civil Society, Disinformation, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Government, Health Care, Housing, Human Rights, Infrastructure, International Relations, Interviews, Israel, Mass Incarceration, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Military Policy, Morality, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Refugees, Resistance, Theocracy, Women's Issues | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Rothchild Interview – Podcast November 27, 2023

Bacevich Interview – Podcast November 20, 2023

U.S. Middle East Policy: A Lack Of Imagination? Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Andrew Bacevich, Jr., retired Army colonel and Professor Emeritus of International Relations and History at Boston University. Asked to speculate on what goals Hamas hoped to … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Government, International Relations, International Terrorism, Interviews, Israel, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Military Policy, National Politics, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Presidential Elections, Propaganda | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Bacevich Interview – Podcast November 20, 2023

Podcast September 18, 2023

The Death Of Democracy By A Thousand Cuts. When our nation was founded, the Framers couldn’t possibly imagine what the future would bring. So, the Constitution they created is intentionally sparse – a simple framework that would be able to … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Autocracy, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Civil Society, Compassion, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Constitutional Issues, Corporations, Corruption, De-regulation, Democratic Governance, Disinformation, Domestic Extremism, Domestic Violence, Economic Policy, Education, Education Funding, Elections, Ethics, Fiscal Policy, Food Insecurity, Founding Fathers, Government, Immigration, Justice System, Labor Unions, LGBT Issues, LIberals and Conservatives, Military Policy, Morality, National Debt Ceiling, National Politics, Political History, Political Lies, Political Parties, Privatization, Propaganda, Public Education, Religion, Supreme Court, Voter Suppression, Voting | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast September 18, 2023

Singal Interview – Podcast August 15, 2022

Optimism For Democrats In Upcoming Elections. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome historian Dan Singal back to the show to give his views on the current state of politic affairs. Asked about Democrats’ prospects for the midterms, Singal, who has … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, China, Climate Change, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Constitutional Issues, Democratic Governance, Department of Justice, Domestic Extremism, Economic Policy, Elections, Energy Policy, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, Global Warming, Government, Health Care Policy, Infrastructure Investment, Innovation, Interviews, Mass Media, Medicare, Military Policy, Monetary Policy, National Politics, Pharmaceutical Pricing and Procurement, Political Candidacy, Political Polarization, Political Theory, Presidential Elections, Public Health Policy, Supreme Court, Taxation, Women's Issues, Women's Rights | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Singal Interview – Podcast August 15, 2022

Lenze Interview – Podcast March 14, 2022

Assessing Putin’s War. Steve Williamson welcomes Paul Lenze, Senior Lecturer in the Department of Politics & International Affairs at Northern Arizona University, to discuss Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Asked about the news coverage of the invasion, Lenze responds, “They’ve done … Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, Civil Liberties, Democratic Governance, European Union, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Human Rights, Immigration, International Relations, International Terrorism, Interviews, Mass Migration, Middle East, Military, Military Policy, Nuclear Weapons, Political History, Refugees, U.S. Armed Forces | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Lenze Interview – Podcast March 14, 2022

Bacevich Interview – Podcast March 8, 2021

Examining America’s Role In The 21st Century. Democratic Perspective welcomes Andrew Bacevich, Jr., author, historian, professor emeritus at Boston University, and retired military officer to discuss U.S. foreign policy. Bacevich begins with unrealistic expectations following the Cold War, explaining that … Continue reading

Posted in Capitalism, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Government, International Relations, Interviews, Middle East Policy, Military Policy, National Politics, Political History | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Bacevich Interview – Podcast March 8, 2021

Shaw Interview – Podcast June 1, 2020

Peace Building At Home And Around The Globe. Democratic Perspective welcomes Anne Shaw from Verde Valley chapter of Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL). The group’s motto is “We seek a world free of war and threat of war. We … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Liberties, Civil Society, Climate Change, Community Activism, Compassion, Cultural Change, Domestic Policy, Environmental Issues, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Government, Human Rights, International Relations, Interviews, Middle East Policy, Military Policy, Political Action Committees | Tagged , | Comments Off on Shaw Interview – Podcast June 1, 2020

Segner Interview – Podcast September 23, 2019

Political Issues From A Business Viewpoint. Co-hosts Steve Williamson and Mike Cosentino welcome businessman, hotelier, activist and Democratic Perspective contributor Steve Segner to discuss a variety of questions and issues ranging from international trade to housing in Sedona. Why has … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Business, Capitalism, Community, Community Activism, Education, Education Policy, Foreign Affairs, Housing, Income Inequality, Infrastructure Investment, Interviews, Local Politics, Military Policy, National Politics, Political Polarization, Tourism | Tagged | Comments Off on Segner Interview – Podcast September 23, 2019