Category Archives: Religion

MacLean Interview – Podcast July 7, 2024

“Bad Faith – Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War On Democracy.” That’s the title of a new film this week’s guest and others are screening in battleground states to help voters understand what’s at stake in November. Nancy MacLean joins co-hosts Steve … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Autocracy, Bigotry, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Constitutional Issues, Corporations, Dark Money, Democratic Governance, Domestic Extremism, Education, Elections, Front Organizations, Government, Investigative Journalism, Judicial System, LGBTQ Issues, Movement Conservatism, National Politics, Pandemic, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Public Education, Religion, Supreme Court, Theocracy, Women's Rights | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Farah Interview – Podcast May 12, 2024

Hope In The Face Of Atrocities And Bloodshed. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Philip Farah of the Palestinian Christian Alliance for Peace. Given the narrative of fighting between Muslims and Jews in the Middle East, it may come as … Continue reading

Posted in Civil Rights, Foreign Policy, Human Rights, International Relations, International Terrorism, Interviews, Israel, Labor Unions, Mass Media, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Morality, National Politics, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Religion, Resistance, Zionism | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Farah Interview – Podcast May 12, 2024

Nerenberg Interview – Podcast April 21, 2024

The Horror Of The Hamas-Israeli War And The History That Led To It. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Daniel Nerenberg, Education and Communication Specialist for Just Vision to discuss the war in the Middle East. Nerenberg begins by stating, … Continue reading

Posted in Genocide, Human Rights, Hunger, International Relations, Interviews, Israel, Journalism, Middle East, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Refugees, Religion | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Nerenberg Interview – Podcast April 21, 2024

Podcast January 14, 2024

Are Israel And Russia Guilty Of Genocide? Steve Williamson and Gary LaMaster consider the accusations of genocide leveled against the two nations. What are the latest numbers of death and destruction in the two wars? When do the actions of … Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Genocide, Housing, Human Rights, International Relations, International Terrorism, Israel, Judicial System, Justice System, Mass Incarceration, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Military, Morality, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Religion, Resistance, Russia, Ukraine | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast January 14, 2024

Podcast January 7, 2024

A Deep Dive Into The Israeli-Hamas War. Steve Williamson and Gary LaMaster look at the history of the conflict, the conditions that led to the most recent outbreak of violence, the crimes committed by both sides, and Israel’s influence in … Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry, Democratic Governance, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Government, Human Rights, International Relations, International Terrorism, Iran, Israel, Mass Incarceration, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Morality, National Politics, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Propaganda, Refugees, Religion, Ukraine | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast January 7, 2024

Podcast December 31, 2023

Year In Review. On New Year’s Eve, Steve Williamson, Karen McClelland and Gary LaMaster review some of the biggest news stories of 2023, including Trump’s legal problems, the Israeli-Hamas war, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Bidenomics, and more. They also … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Autocracy, Bigotry, China, Civil Liberties, Climate Change, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Conspiracy Theories, Constitutional Issues, Corruption, Democratic Governance, Domestic Extremism, Elections, Environmental Issues, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Global Warming, Human Rights, Immigration, Inflation, International Relations, Israel, Legal Issues, Mass Extinction, Mass Migration, Middle East, National Politics, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Political Polarization, Racial Discrimination, Religion, Resistance, Russia, Special Counsel Investigation, Supreme Court, Ukraine | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast December 31, 2023

Podcast December 17, 2023

The “Think Tanks” That Control The Republican Party. Steve Williamson and Gary LaMaster examine the rightwing organizations that hold sway over the GOP by creating policies, selecting judges, and funding candidates. Since the 1970s, these so-called think tanks have grown … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Autocracy, Bigotry, Campaign Finance, Civil Rights, Conservative Paranoia, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Constitutional Issues, Corporations, Corruption, Disinformation, Domestic Extremism, Economic Theory, Education Policy, Energy Policy, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, Front Organizations, Government, Israel, Judicial System, LGBTQ Issues, Middle East Policy, Military Policy, Misogyny, National Politics, Political Action Committees, Political History, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Privatization, Public Education, Public Policy, Religion, Supreme Court, Taxation, U.S. Court System, Voting, Women's Rights | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Podcast December 17, 2023

Podcast December 10, 2023

The Rise Of Christian Nationalism In The US. Following the election of Christian Nationalist MAGA Mike Johnson to Speaker of the House, Steve Williamson, Karen McClelland and Gary LaMaster look at the growth of the Christian Nationalist Movement in the … Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry, Civil Liberties, Constitutional Issues, Democratic Governance, Domestic Extremism, Government, Legal Issues, National Politics, Political History, Religion, Theocracy | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast December 10, 2023

Podcast October 30, 2023

A Real Fright. On Halloween Eve, host Steve Williamson and contributor Gary LaMaster discuss the scariest development in Washington DC this year – the selection of MAGA Mike Johnson as the 56th Speaker of the US House of Representatives. In … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Bigotry, Campaign Finance, Civil Rights, Climate Change, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Constitutional Issues, Dark Money, Domestic Extremism, Energy Policy, Foreign Affairs, Funding, Global Warming, Government, Immigration, LGBTQ Issues, Marriage Equality, Medicaid, Medicare, Minimum Wage, Misogyny, National Politics, Political Parties, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Religion, Russia, Social Security, Supreme Court, Theocracy, Ukraine, Women's Rights | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast October 30, 2023

Cole Interview – Podcast October 23, 2023

Sustained Horror. Steve and Karen welcome Juan Cole, professor of history at University of Michigan, Middle East expert, author, and editor of Informed Comment to discuss the Hamas/Israeli conflict. Cole begins by offering historical context for the conflict, “There have … Continue reading

Posted in Foreign Affairs, Human Rights, International Relations, International Terrorism, Interviews, Iran, Israel, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Morality, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Refugees, Religion, Theocracy | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Cole Interview – Podcast October 23, 2023