Category Archives: Mass Extinction

21st Century Challenges – Podcast June 16, 2024

Can We Rise To The Occasion? The world is currently facing a number of what seem to be insurmountable problems – the threat of autocracy, business monopolies, growing wealth disparity, gun violence, climate crisis, mass migration, mass extinctions and artificial … Continue reading

Posted in Autocracy, Automation, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Corporations, Democratic Governance, Economic Policy, Economic Theory, Elections, Energy Policy, Environment, Global Warming, Government, Gun Control, Immigration, Income Inequality, inherited Wealth, Jobs and Employment, Mass Extinction, Mass Migration, National Politics, Offshoring, Presidential Elections, Public Policy, Refugees, Supreme Court, Taxation, Technology, Voting | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on 21st Century Challenges – Podcast June 16, 2024

Podcast December 31, 2023

Year In Review. On New Year’s Eve, Steve Williamson, Karen McClelland and Gary LaMaster review some of the biggest news stories of 2023, including Trump’s legal problems, the Israeli-Hamas war, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Bidenomics, and more. They also … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Autocracy, Bigotry, China, Civil Liberties, Climate Change, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Conspiracy Theories, Constitutional Issues, Corruption, Democratic Governance, Domestic Extremism, Elections, Environmental Issues, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Global Warming, Human Rights, Immigration, Inflation, International Relations, Israel, Legal Issues, Mass Extinction, Mass Migration, Middle East, National Politics, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Political Polarization, Racial Discrimination, Religion, Resistance, Russia, Special Counsel Investigation, Supreme Court, Ukraine | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast December 31, 2023

Work Interview – Podcast February 20, 2023

Compassion In Politics? Steve and Karen welcome Robertson Work back to the show. A former UN employee and teacher, he is currently an activist, writer, and poet. One of his most noted books is A Compassionate Civilization: The Urgency of … Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry, Biodiversity, Civil Society, Compassion, Cultural Change, Environment, Environmental Issues, Global Warming, Human Rights, Interviews, LIberals and Conservatives, Mass Extinction, Mass Migration, Misogyny, Morality, National Politics, Philosophy, Political Polarization, Refugees, Wilderness Preservation | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Work Interview – Podcast February 20, 2023

Podcast – January 6, 2020

Looking At 2019 In The Rearview Mirror. Many of the Democratic Perspective crew recap their view of the past year’s events. Kat Ginzel begins by explaining her efforts to Outlaw Dirty Money (aka Dark Money).  Gary LaMaster outlines the consequences … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Campaign Finance, Climate Change, Congressional Oversight, Constitutional Issues, Dark Money, Deficit Reduction, Elections, Environment, Foreign Policy, Government, Iran, Local Politics, Mass Extinction, Middle East Policy, National Politics, Presidential Elections, Taxes and the Deficit | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Podcast – January 6, 2020

Ashley Dawson Interview — Podcast July 4, 2016

Dominion Over All the Earth: Mass Extinction and the Challenge of Human Stewardship. Ashley Dawson, professor of English at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York, and author of the new book,  Extinction, a Radical History, joins Democratic Perspective regulars Mike … Continue reading

Posted in Biodiversity, Capitalism, Climate Change, Energy Policy, Environment, Environmental Issues, Food Insecurity, Global Warming, Interviews, Jobs and Employment, Mass Extinction, Podcasts, Public Lands, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Development | Tagged , | Comments Off on Ashley Dawson Interview — Podcast July 4, 2016

Matthew Goodwin Interview — Podcast June 13, 2016

Rising Sea Levels, Extreme Weather Events, Mass Extinction, Politics: Where Is the Right’s Suicidal Denial of Anthropogenic Climate Change Coming From? In the hope that a philosopher can be persuasive where scientists have found it tough to make headway, Democratic Perspective welcomes Dr. Matthew … Continue reading

Posted in Climate Change, Democratic Governance, Disinformation, Energy Policy, Environment, Ethics, Global Warming, Interviews, Mass Extinction, Podcasts, Political Lies, Political Polarization, Propaganda, Renewable Energy, Sustainable Development | Tagged | Comments Off on Matthew Goodwin Interview — Podcast June 13, 2016