Singal Interview – Podcast July 14, 2024

Should Kamala Be The Democratic Candidate? Steve and Karen welcome Emeritus Professor of History Dan Singal back to the show to discuss presidential politics following Biden’s poor debate performance and the apparent assassination attempt of Donald Trump.

Though he believes the attack at the Trump rally will have minimal impact on the upcoming election, Singal makes a compelling case for replacing Biden as presidential candidate.

Faced with increasing pressure to bow out, Biden has said he is the best person to do the job on a day-to-day basis. “And I think he’s right,” says Singal. “I think he’s the best president we’ve had since World War II. However, he is a first-rate president and, in my view, a third-rate presidential candidate. He has lost a lot of ability to communicate…It goes back 3-1/2 years because all through his presidency, he has made very little effort to communicate with the public.”

“This is a long-term problem with Biden,” says Singal. Regarding the very real threat of Project 2025, he says, “We need a candidate to drive that home. What if the Democrats could switch to a candidate who could speak clearly?”

Singal then gives five reasons why Vice-President Kamala Harris is the only plausible replacement.

Posted in Arizona Politics, Civil Society, Constitutional Issues, Democratic Governance, Domestic Extremism, Elections, Foreign Affairs, Government, Immigration, Initiative and Referendum, Interviews, Israel, Judicial System, LIberals and Conservatives, Middle East, National Politics, Political Candidacy, Political Parties, Political Theory, Presidential Elections, Supreme Court, Voting, Women's Rights | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

MacLean Interview – Podcast July 7, 2024

“Bad Faith – Christian Nationalism’s Unholy War On Democracy.” That’s the title of a new film this week’s guest and others are screening in battleground states to help voters understand what’s at stake in November. Nancy MacLean joins co-hosts Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland to discuss the documentary film which Variety Magazine calls one of the ten best movies of the year.

MacLean says, “What we have coming in November is not just a choice between candidates from both sides, but actually a choice between two radically different visions of our country. And, if that transformed, captured Republican Party’s candidate wins, we will be seeing a kind of combined plutocratic, theocratic autocracy.”

Posted in Arizona Politics, Autocracy, Bigotry, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Constitutional Issues, Corporations, Dark Money, Democratic Governance, Domestic Extremism, Education, Elections, Front Organizations, Government, Investigative Journalism, Judicial System, LGBTQ Issues, Movement Conservatism, National Politics, Pandemic, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Public Education, Religion, Supreme Court, Theocracy, Women's Rights | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Sedona Councilors Interview – Podcast June 30, 2024

Taking On The Difficult Issues. Steve and Karen welcome Derek Pfaff who is running for a seat on the Sedona City Council along with current councilmembers, Kathy Kinsella and Holli Ploog, who is also Vice-Mayor.

Kinsella, who is running for a second term, says, “It’s been a very challenging, rewarding, stimulating four years. I think we’ve gotten a lot done. This current council has been one that has refused to kick cans down the road, that has taken on some of the hard problems and some of the problems that people have strong feelings about…everything from big ideas like emergency evacuation planning to resolving issues at the pool and user hours. I’d like to continue for four more years because there are things coming that are coming as a result of the work we have taken on like the Cultural Park planning process that will begin.”

Ploog also wants to continue the work. “I want to run for re-election to complete some of the work we started. And I agree with Kathy that this council has been very active and determined to tackle some of the most difficult problems that we have in our community and, believe me, it’s not easy.”

Pfaff, who is an attorney, says he was approached to run for the seat currently held by Jessica Williamson. Asked why he’s running for office, he replies, “The first thing I want to say is that I agree with you that we do have a great council right now. I’m excited about the possibility of working with these folks.” He says he’d like to use his legal experience to help propel the city forward.

Posted in Civil Society, Community, Community Activism, Democratic Governance, Elections, Government, Housing, Income Inequality, Interviews, Labor Shortages, Local Politics, Political Candidacy, Public Accountability, Public Service, Social Media, Tourism | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Hylton Interview – Podcast June 23, 2024

Exposing Discrimination Against The LGBTQ+ Community. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Jake Hylton, Founding Executive Director of Lookout Publications, the only nonprofit newsroom dedicated to LGBTQ+ issues. Beginning as a small monthly newsletter, Lookout has grown into an entire nonprofit organization that now covers the AZ legislature, school boards and city councils.

Hylton handles the business side of the organization while his founding partner Joseph Darius Jaafari, who has an extensive background in investigative journalism, is editor-in-chief.

Hylton says, “For us, it is covering LGBTQ+ communities across the state of Arizona, and making sure that we are focusing on hyperlocal, that we are community-driven, and that we are holding those in power to account whether they are in or outside of the community. And to make sure that we are doing service, solutions-based journalism, ultimately finding people who are making life better and giving hope to others. You know, ways to activate them. Ways to get them involved to make change.”

Asked if attempts to limit political participation by the LGBTQ+ community still exists, Hylton responds, “It still does exist and I think there is such a strong hold on identity, and there is a lot of shame around identity that doesn’t fit the mold. Right? It actually goes back to the reason why I am here up in Sedona. I am here in Sedona…convening with some really great people talking about how to combat political and identity-based violence. And one of the biggest things we’ve talked about over the last few days is identities are constantly being scapegoated.”

He goes on to point out that the current attack on sexual and gender identity is essentially the same as that in pre-war Nazi Germany when the Institute of Sexology was destroyed, and its libraries burned.

Posted in Anti-Gay Discrimination, Arizona Politics, Bigotry, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Civil Society, Community Activism, Compassion, Conservative Paranoia, Cultural Diversity, Domestic Extremism, Human Rights, Interviews, Journalism, Justice System, LGBTQ Issues, Local Politics, Marriage Equality, National Politics, Political Polarization, Public Accountability | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

21st Century Challenges – Podcast June 16, 2024

Can We Rise To The Occasion? The world is currently facing a number of what seem to be insurmountable problems – the threat of autocracy, business monopolies, growing wealth disparity, gun violence, climate crisis, mass migration, mass extinctions and artificial intelligence. Yet they all have one thing in common: Politics.

Some can be solved virtually overnight by simply ending our political stalemate. And, though others are more complicated, they cannot be solved so long as the Republican Party denies their existence and continues to leverage them for political gain.

That leads us to the question of the century: Will the majority of voters acknowledge the challenges and vote for candidates who are ready and willing to address their true causes before it’s too late? The clock is ticking.

Posted in Autocracy, Automation, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Corporations, Democratic Governance, Economic Policy, Economic Theory, Elections, Energy Policy, Environment, Global Warming, Government, Gun Control, Immigration, Income Inequality, inherited Wealth, Jobs and Employment, Mass Extinction, Mass Migration, National Politics, Offshoring, Presidential Elections, Public Policy, Refugees, Supreme Court, Taxation, Technology, Voting | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on 21st Century Challenges – Podcast June 16, 2024

Artificial Intelligence – Podcast June 9, 2024

Artificial Intelligence: What It Can Do For You, And To You. Like it or not, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here, and it will increasingly impact our lives. Although AI is still in its infancy, it can already perform amazing tasks – it can read, write, see, hear, speak, smell, touch, move, read your emotions, play games, debate with you, and even read your mind.

Where does it go from here?

Steve Williamson and Gary LaMaster discuss its upside, its downside and try to offer some answers to that very important question. You also find much more information about the subject in our previous programs on AI from August 15, 2016, October 3, 2016, and December 5, 2016.

Posted in Automation, Automation, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Rural Economy,, Business, Corporations, Digital Revolution, Government, Industrial Policy, Innovation, Jobs and Employment, Medical Science and Technology, Military, Morality, National Politics, Regulation, Technology, The Shape of Things to Come | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Artificial Intelligence – Podcast June 9, 2024

Jablow Interview – Podcast June 2, 2024

An Update From The Mayor Of Sedona. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Scott Jablow, Mayor of Sedona who is running for re-election this Fall. He provides updates on a variety of issues beginning with the planned Safe Place to Park.

“Well, the whole point of the Safe Place to Park was very, very simple,” says Jablow.  We listen. This council that we have right now, all seven of us are out in the public listening to businesses, hoteliers and residents alike. And we’ve heard loud and clear that the businesses are hurting for employees. Many of them…we found that at least 30 to 40 of them have employees living in the forest right now…and these people need someplace to sleep that’s safe.”

He notes that the reason the employees are unhoused is that their prior residences were turned into short-term rentals. On that topic, Jablow explains that there has been some progress in controlling short-term rentals. He reminds listeners that they are still totally controlled by the state, but, he says, “They have given us a little bit of latitude. So, we have permitting they’ve allowed us to do.”

The other persistent issues he addresses include OHVs, traffic, Sedona’s legislative lobbyist, and Yavapai College.

Posted in Arizona Politics, Community, Conspiracy Theories, Democratic Governance, Education, Elections, Federal Lands, Government, Housing, Income Inequality, Infrastructure, Innovation, Interviews, Jobs and Employment, Local Politics, Misinformation, Public Accountability, Public Policy, Public Service, Taxation | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Jablow Interview – Podcast June 2, 2024

Oliphant Interview – Podcast May 26, 2024

Growing Inequity. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Bob Oliphant back to the show to discuss the latest developments with Yavapai College in the face of a second year of county-wide property tax increases. For many years, Oliphant has reported the disparity between the college’s investments on the east and west sides of Yavapai County.

Even though Sedona and the Verde Valley contribute a disproportionate amount of tax revenue to the college, the vast majority of it continues to be spent in the Prescott and Prescott Valley area.  

Oliphant says, “Not much has changed over the past six or seven years. In fact, if anything, the dominance of the west side of the county has increased rather than decreased. The amount of millions of dollars that they’re investing in new projects over there is astonishing for a small community college with a tax base of about 240,000…Of course, I look at things from our lens from over here, and we’re left behind, been left behind. And we’re simply falling further and further behind.”

Posted in Arizona Politics, Community, Community Activism, Education, Education Funding, Education Policy, Ethics, Funding, Interviews, Local Politics, Public Accountability, Public Education, Public Policy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Oliphant Interview – Podcast May 26, 2024

Voting – Podcast May 19, 2024

GOP Attacks On Voting And Voters. Many Republicans continue to spew the notion that the 2020 presidential election was stolen claiming, among other things, that Republican ballots were ground up and fed to chickens, that China dumped many thousands of votes into ballot boxes, that tens of thousands of undocumented immigrants voted, that thousands of dead people voted, that mail-in ballots were all corrupt, that electronic voting machines were hacked by Venezuela or Italy or China or others, etc., etc., etc.

Never mind that numerous Republicans-led studies failed to find extensive voting fraud. Indeed, the few examples they found were – you guessed it – committed by Republicans.

Of course, Republicans have never been known to let the truth get in the way of a good story. So, in state legislatures around the country, they have introduced numerous bills to restrict the number of polling places, the number of drop boxes, the number of days for early voting, the use of electronic voting machines, the use of electronic vote counters, etc.

They have passed bills to require special voter IDs and limited their availability. They have purged voter registration lists. They have threatened election workers, even Republican election workers, to flee their jobs and, often, their home counties or states.

They have gerrymandered congressional and legislative districts to marginalize minorities. And, of course, they have tried to intimidate voters by placing armed “observers” near polling places and ballot drop boxes.

One might get the idea that Republicans don’t want all American citizens to vote.

Posted in Arizona Politics, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Conspiracy Theories, Constitutional Issues, Corruption, Disinformation, Domestic Extremism, Elections, Misinformation, National Politics, Political Lies, Voter Suppression, Voting | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Voting – Podcast May 19, 2024

Aguilar Interview – Podcast May 5, 2024

Campaigning For The Future You Want. Karen McClelland welcomes Ylenia Aguilar, candidate for Arizona Corporation Commission. Since becoming a naturalized U.S. citizen, Aguilar has become a dynamic public servant.

In addition to raising two children and working as Business Development Manager with a water analytics company, she has served on a school board, the board of a health foundation, and she currently serves as a member of the Central Arizona Water Conservation District.

One of her passions is ensuring that all people have access to clean, life-giving water today and in the future. As a member of the Corporation Commission, she hopes to hold corporations accountable for responsibly using water and our other natural resources.

“Most people don’t understand that water and energy go hand in hand. If we don’t have water in our dams – in our reservoirs – that impacts our energy,” Aguilar explains. “We need to have leaders that plan long-term versus short-term, because we need to think about our future generations. Not just what’s happening right now.”

“We need innovative leaders with creative ideas, with different platforms. The previous commissioners…the current commissioners who have been there for a long time have not thought about conservation and our current climate change, right?” She says that you don’t have to go far to notice climate change. “We live in Arizona. We notice it. It’s going to get really hot.”

Posted in Arizona Politics, Climate Change, Community, Corporations, Education, Elections, Environment, Global Warming, Government, Industrial Policy, Innovation, Interviews, Political Candidacy, Public Accountability, Regulation, Water Policy | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Aguilar Interview – Podcast May 5, 2024