Category Archives: Russia

Dictator In Waiting – Podcast March 17, 2024

Trump In His Own Words And Actions. Now that Trump has sealed up the Republican nomination, we decided it was time to consider what he might do in a second term in the White House. (Remember, he has already been … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Affordable Care Act, Anti-Gay Discrimination, Autocracy, Bigotry, Capital Punishment, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Class Conflict, Climate Change, Conservative Paranoia, Constitutional Issues, Corporations, Corruption, Criminal Justice Reform, De-regulation, Domestic Extremism, Domestic Terrorism, Education, Elections, Entitlements, Environmental Issues, Foreign Policy, Government, Health Care Policy, Human Rights, Immigration, Inflation, International Relations, Judicial System, Labor Unions, LGBTQ Issues, Mass Incarceration, Medicaid, Medicare, Military Policy, National Politics, Nuclear Weapons, Pandemic, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Public Accountability, Racism, Refugees, Russia, Social Security, Ukraine, Voter Suppression, Women's Rights | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Dictator In Waiting – Podcast March 17, 2024

Podcast February 18, 2024

Republican Plans For A Trump Dictatorship. Trump has said that, if elected, he will be a dictator for a day. But the plans already being implemented by his campaign and rightwing organizations indicate that he expects to be a Putin-style … Continue reading

Posted in Autocracy, Civil Liberties, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Constitutional Issues, Corporations, Corruption, Democratic Governance, Disinformation, Domestic Extremism, Elections, Genocide, Government, Human Rights, Immigration, International Terrorism, Israel, Judicial System, National Politics, Political Action Committees, Political Candidacy, Presidential Elections, Propaganda, Russia, Ukraine, Voter Suppression, Voting | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Podcast February 18, 2024

Podcast January 14, 2024

Are Israel And Russia Guilty Of Genocide? Steve Williamson and Gary LaMaster consider the accusations of genocide leveled against the two nations. What are the latest numbers of death and destruction in the two wars? When do the actions of … Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Genocide, Housing, Human Rights, International Relations, International Terrorism, Israel, Judicial System, Justice System, Mass Incarceration, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Military, Morality, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Religion, Resistance, Russia, Ukraine | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast January 14, 2024

Podcast December 31, 2023

Year In Review. On New Year’s Eve, Steve Williamson, Karen McClelland and Gary LaMaster review some of the biggest news stories of 2023, including Trump’s legal problems, the Israeli-Hamas war, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Bidenomics, and more. They also … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Autocracy, Bigotry, China, Civil Liberties, Climate Change, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Conspiracy Theories, Constitutional Issues, Corruption, Democratic Governance, Domestic Extremism, Elections, Environmental Issues, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Global Warming, Human Rights, Immigration, Inflation, International Relations, Israel, Legal Issues, Mass Extinction, Mass Migration, Middle East, National Politics, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Political Polarization, Racial Discrimination, Religion, Resistance, Russia, Special Counsel Investigation, Supreme Court, Ukraine | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast December 31, 2023

Podcast October 30, 2023

A Real Fright. On Halloween Eve, host Steve Williamson and contributor Gary LaMaster discuss the scariest development in Washington DC this year – the selection of MAGA Mike Johnson as the 56th Speaker of the US House of Representatives. In … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Bigotry, Campaign Finance, Civil Rights, Climate Change, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Constitutional Issues, Dark Money, Domestic Extremism, Energy Policy, Foreign Affairs, Funding, Global Warming, Government, Immigration, LGBTQ Issues, Marriage Equality, Medicaid, Medicare, Minimum Wage, Misogyny, National Politics, Political Parties, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Religion, Russia, Social Security, Supreme Court, Theocracy, Ukraine, Women's Rights | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast October 30, 2023

Lenze Interview – Podcast September 25, 2023

The Growing Influence Of The Global South. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Paul Lenze, Professor of Politics and International Affairs at Northern Arizona University to discuss the latest developments around the globe, including the conflict in Ukraine and our … Continue reading

Posted in Afghanistan, Capitalism, China, Civil Liberties, Compassion, Corporations, Democratic Governance, Economic Policy, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Human Rights, International Relations, Interviews, Iran, Israel, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Political Theory, Russia, Trade Policy, Ukraine | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Lenze Interview – Podcast September 25, 2023

Podcast July 24, 2023

US Foreign Policy – Liberal Idealism v Realism. Steve Williamson and Gary LaMaster look at the many challenges now facing our nation. Our current situation stands in stark contrast to the unbridled optimism that followed the end of the Cold … Continue reading

Posted in China, Climate Change, Corporations, European Union, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Government, Human Rights, International Relations, Iran, Mass Migration, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Military, Nuclear Weapons, Philosophy, Political Action Committees, Public Accountability, Russia, Trade Policy, Ukraine | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast July 24, 2023

Lenze Interview – Podcast February 6, 2023

Balloons, Borders, And Bullies. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Professor Paul Lenze, Jr. back to the show to discuss recent events affecting US foreign policy. They begin by talking about the Chinese spy balloon that was shot down after … Continue reading

Posted in Capitalism, China, European Union, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Interviews, Pandemic, Russia, Ukraine | Tagged | Comments Off on Lenze Interview – Podcast February 6, 2023