Category Archives: Economic Theory

21st Century Challenges – Podcast June 16, 2024

Can We Rise To The Occasion? The world is currently facing a number of what seem to be insurmountable problems – the threat of autocracy, business monopolies, growing wealth disparity, gun violence, climate crisis, mass migration, mass extinctions and artificial … Continue reading

Posted in Autocracy, Automation, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Corporations, Democratic Governance, Economic Policy, Economic Theory, Elections, Energy Policy, Environment, Global Warming, Government, Gun Control, Immigration, Income Inequality, inherited Wealth, Jobs and Employment, Mass Extinction, Mass Migration, National Politics, Offshoring, Presidential Elections, Public Policy, Refugees, Supreme Court, Taxation, Technology, Voting | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on 21st Century Challenges – Podcast June 16, 2024

Podcast December 17, 2023

The “Think Tanks” That Control The Republican Party. Steve Williamson and Gary LaMaster examine the rightwing organizations that hold sway over the GOP by creating policies, selecting judges, and funding candidates. Since the 1970s, these so-called think tanks have grown … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Autocracy, Bigotry, Campaign Finance, Civil Rights, Conservative Paranoia, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Constitutional Issues, Corporations, Corruption, Disinformation, Domestic Extremism, Economic Theory, Education Policy, Energy Policy, Fiscal Policy, Foreign Policy, Front Organizations, Government, Israel, Judicial System, LGBTQ Issues, Middle East Policy, Military Policy, Misogyny, National Politics, Political Action Committees, Political History, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Privatization, Public Education, Public Policy, Religion, Supreme Court, Taxation, U.S. Court System, Voting, Women's Rights | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Podcast December 17, 2023

Hodge Interview – Podcast January 10, 2022

An Enthusiastic Voice For Change. Karen McClelland and Steve Williamson welcome Jevin Hodge, former vice-chair of the AZ Democratic Party and candidate for the congressional seat currently held by the ethically challenged Rep. David Schweikert. He says, “When elected, I … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Community, Community Activism, Corruption, Disinformation, Domestic Policy, Economic Policy, Economic Theory, Education, Elections, Energy Policy, Ethics, Government, Health Care, Infrastructure Investment, Innovation, Interviews, Jobs and Employment, National Politics, Political Candidacy, Political Polarization, Poverty, Public Accountability, Public Education, Small Business, Tax Law, Voting | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Hodge Interview – Podcast January 10, 2022

Kenworthy Interview – Podcast April 19, 2021

Common Sense Capitalism. Steve Williamson welcomes Lane Kenworthy, professor of Sociology at the University of California San Diego, to discuss his latest book, Social Democratic Capitalism. The show begins with Kenworthy being asked to compare the US economy with those … Continue reading

Posted in Capitalism, Civil Society, Democratic Governance, Domestic Policy, Economic Policy, Economic Theory, Fiscal Policy, Government, Interviews, National Politics, Public Health Policy, Public Policy, Public Private Collaboration, Social Democracy, Socialism | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Kenworthy Interview – Podcast April 19, 2021

Wealth Inequality – Podcast May 25, 2020

Growing Wealth Inequality In The Age Of Pandemic. Revisiting Capital In The Twenty-First Century by Thomas Picketty, the Democratic Perspective crew discusses the causes of increasing inequality of income, wealth and opportunity in the US. They note that, after wealth … Continue reading

Posted in Capital Accumulation, Capitalism, Class Conflict, De-regulation, Economic Policy, Economic Stimulus, Economic Theory, Fiscal Policy, Income Inequality, inherited Wealth, Monetary Policy, Racial Discrimination, Tax and Investment Policy, Tax Law | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Wealth Inequality – Podcast May 25, 2020

Erik Olin Wright Interview Revisited – Podcast January 28, 2019

One Of The Great Thinkers Of Our Time, RIP. Steve Williamson and Klaus von Stutterheim introduce a show with Erik Olin Wright that was broadcast more than five-and-a-half years ago. Wright, who recently died of cancer, was a professor of … Continue reading

Posted in Capitalism, Economic Policy, Economic Theory, Government, Income Inequality, Innovation, Interviews, Political Theory, Religion, Social Democracy, Socialism | Tagged , , | Comments Off on Erik Olin Wright Interview Revisited – Podcast January 28, 2019

Matthew Goodwin Interview — Podcast September 11, 2017

The Shock Doctrine and Global Warming: Matt Goodwin on Naomi Klein’s Critique of Predatory Capitalism and Its Reaction (or Lack of Reaction) to a Genuinely Existential Threat.  Mike Cosentino and Steve Williamson welcome Matt Goodwin, Professor of Philosophy at Northern Arizona University, … Continue reading

Posted in Capitalism, Climate Change, De-regulation, Democratic Governance, Economic Policy, Economic Theory, Energy Policy, Environmental Issues, Ethics, Global Warming, Interviews, National Politics, Philosophy, Podcasts, Privatization, Public Accountability, Regulatory Agencies, Renewable Energy, Social Services, Sustainable Development | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Matthew Goodwin Interview — Podcast September 11, 2017

Is There a “New” New Left Emerging? — Podcast August 7, 2017

They’re Baaack! Why Socialism Is Again a Topic of Serious Discussion Among the Young. Host Steve Williamson and Bill Timberman, Democratic Perspective’s webmaster, discuss what appears to be a growing reluctance on the part of young people to accept at face value the … Continue reading

Posted in Capitalism, Civil Rights, Class Conflict, Democratic Governance, Economic Theory, European Union, Global Warming, Human Rights, Hunger, Income Inequality, Labor Movement, Labor Unions, National Politics, Podcasts, Political History, Political Theory, Public Policy, Social Democracy, Socialism | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Is There a “New” New Left Emerging? — Podcast August 7, 2017

2014: Democratic Perspective’s Year in Review — Podcast December 29, 2014

Looking Back AND Forward: Democratic Perspective’s 2014 in Review. Mike Cosentino, Gary LaMaster, and Steve Williamson review the most prominent themes of Democratic Perspective’s broadcasts in 2014. From the growing inequality in income and wealth in the U.S. to dark money and phony Republican scandals in national … Continue reading

Posted in Affordable Care Act, Anti-Federalism, Anti-Gay Discrimination, Arizona Economy, Arizona Politics, Bigotry, Capital Accumulation, Capitalism, Citizens United, Civil Rights, Class Conflict, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Constitutional Issues, Corruption, Dark Money, Democratic Governance, Department of Veterans Affairs, Domestic Extremism, Economic Policy, Economic Theory, Government, Immigration, Income Inequality, Jobs and Employment, Journalism, Law Enforcement, LGBT Issues, Localist Movement, Marriage Equality, Mass Incarceration, Middle East, Middle East Policy, National Politics, National Security, Nullification, Paul Gosar, Podcasts, Political Action Committees, Political Contributions, Political Lies, Political Polarization, Racism, Scandal Mongering, Supreme Court, Unemployment, Veterans' Issues | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on 2014: Democratic Perspective’s Year in Review — Podcast December 29, 2014

Sasha Abramsky Interview — Podcast October 13, 2014

Social Policy and the Shrinking Middle Class: Increasing Inequality Is NOT an Accident. Democratic Perspective welcomes author and journalist Sasha Abramsky back to talk about the consequences of the social policy failures outlined in his recent book  The American Way of Poverty: How the Other Half Still … Continue reading

Posted in Capitalism, Class Conflict, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Democratic Governance, Economic Theory, Financial Sector, Health Care, Housekeeping, Income Inequality, Interviews, Jobs and Employment, Podcasts, Social Contract, Social Security, Unemployment | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Sasha Abramsky Interview — Podcast October 13, 2014