Category Archives: Propaganda

Media – Podcast March 31, 2024

Misinformation And Disinformation. Co-hosts Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland take a deep dive into one of the biggest political issues of our time – trying to sort out the truth while being deluged with spin, misstatements, half-truths, fabrications, propaganda, conspiracy … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Politics, Civil Society, Community, Conspiracy Theories, Democratic Governance, Disinformation, Domestic Extremism, Government, Mass Media, Misinformation, National Politics, Political Lies, Political Polarization, Propaganda, Social Media | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Media – Podcast March 31, 2024

Podcast February 18, 2024

Republican Plans For A Trump Dictatorship. Trump has said that, if elected, he will be a dictator for a day. But the plans already being implemented by his campaign and rightwing organizations indicate that he expects to be a Putin-style … Continue reading

Posted in Autocracy, Civil Liberties, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Constitutional Issues, Corporations, Corruption, Democratic Governance, Disinformation, Domestic Extremism, Elections, Genocide, Government, Human Rights, Immigration, International Terrorism, Israel, Judicial System, National Politics, Political Action Committees, Political Candidacy, Presidential Elections, Propaganda, Russia, Ukraine, Voter Suppression, Voting | Tagged , , , | Comments Off on Podcast February 18, 2024

Podcast January 7, 2024

A Deep Dive Into The Israeli-Hamas War. Steve Williamson and Gary LaMaster look at the history of the conflict, the conditions that led to the most recent outbreak of violence, the crimes committed by both sides, and Israel’s influence in … Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry, Democratic Governance, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Government, Human Rights, International Relations, International Terrorism, Iran, Israel, Mass Incarceration, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Morality, National Politics, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Propaganda, Refugees, Religion, Ukraine | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast January 7, 2024

Bacevich Interview – Podcast November 20, 2023

U.S. Middle East Policy: A Lack Of Imagination? Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Andrew Bacevich, Jr., retired Army colonel and Professor Emeritus of International Relations and History at Boston University. Asked to speculate on what goals Hamas hoped to … Continue reading

Posted in Elections, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Policy, Government, International Relations, International Terrorism, Interviews, Israel, Middle East, Middle East Policy, Military Policy, National Politics, Palestinian/Israeli Conflict, Presidential Elections, Propaganda | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Bacevich Interview – Podcast November 20, 2023

Podcast September 18, 2023

The Death Of Democracy By A Thousand Cuts. When our nation was founded, the Framers couldn’t possibly imagine what the future would bring. So, the Constitution they created is intentionally sparse – a simple framework that would be able to … Continue reading

Posted in Abortion, Autocracy, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Civil Society, Compassion, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Constitutional Issues, Corporations, Corruption, De-regulation, Democratic Governance, Disinformation, Domestic Extremism, Domestic Violence, Economic Policy, Education, Education Funding, Elections, Ethics, Fiscal Policy, Food Insecurity, Founding Fathers, Government, Immigration, Justice System, Labor Unions, LGBT Issues, LIberals and Conservatives, Military Policy, Morality, National Debt Ceiling, National Politics, Political History, Political Lies, Political Parties, Privatization, Propaganda, Public Education, Religion, Supreme Court, Voter Suppression, Voting | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Podcast September 18, 2023

Montgomery Interview – Podcast October 3, 2022

The Politics Of Religion And Hate. Democratic Perspective welcomes Peter Montgomery of Right Wing Watch, a project of People For The American Way, to discuss the growing threat of White Christian Nationalism. When asked if the difference between Christian nationalism … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Federalism, Arizona Politics, Bigotry, Conservative Paranoia, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Conspiracy Theories, Cultural Change, Democratic Governance, Demographic Trends, Disinformation, Domestic Extremism, Domestic Terrorism, Elections, Founding Fathers, Immigration, Interviews, LIberals and Conservatives, Local Politics, Misogyny, National Politics, Paul Gosar, Political Lies, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Propaganda, Racism, Religion, Theocracy, Voting, Women's Issues | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Montgomery Interview – Podcast October 3, 2022

Cohn Interview – Podcast August 22, 2022

Christian Dominionism: Another Name For Fascism. Steve Williamson, Karen McClelland, and Stephen Hanks welcome Jennifer Cohn to the show to discuss a rapidly growing worldwide authoritarian threat posing as Christianity. Cohn is an election security advocate and prolific essayist who … Continue reading

Posted in Conservatives and Reactionaries, Conspiracy Theories, Constitutional Issues, Corruption, Domestic Extremism, Domestic Terrorism, Elections, Interviews, LGBT Issues, Morality, National Politics, Political Action Committees, Political Polarization, Propaganda, Religion, Slavery, Theocracy, Women's Rights | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Cohn Interview – Podcast August 22, 2022

Hanks, LaMaster Interview – Podcast June 6, 2022

America’s Growing Gun Violence Crisis. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Stephen Hanks and Gary LaMaster to the show. After Hanks provides details for the July 9th golf fundraiser for Democrats of the Red Rocks (DORR), they address the most … Continue reading

Posted in Campaign Finance, Domestic Terrorism, Domestic Violence, Elections, Firearms and Explosives, Firearms Legislation, Gun Control, Interviews, Mass Shootings, National Politics, Political Clubs, Political Polarization, Propaganda, Public Policy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Hanks, LaMaster Interview – Podcast June 6, 2022

Year In Review – Podcast December 27, 2021

Putting 2021 In The Rearview Mirror. As always, at the end of the year, our hosts and contributors review the major events and news stories of the past year. In 2021, there were many to choose from: The continuing pandemic, … Continue reading

Posted in Bigotry, Budget Negotiations, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Community Activism, Conservative Paranoia, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Conspiracy Theories, Constitutional Issues, Democratic Governance, Disinformation, Domestic Extremism, Domestic Terrorism, Domestic Violence, Economic Policy, Education, Education Policy, Elections, Firearms and Explosives, Government, Journalism, Law Enforcement, LIberals and Conservatives, Mass Media, National Politics, Political Lies, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Propaganda, Racial Discrimination, Voter Suppression, Voting | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Year In Review – Podcast December 27, 2021

Kamola, Wilson Interview – Podcast December 20, 2021

Should The Free Speech Rights Of Corporations Outweigh Those Of Citizens? In our upside-down culture, money now equals free speech and corporations are people. And, according to our guests, those beliefs are becoming increasingly apparent in our universities and colleges. … Continue reading

Posted in Conservative Paranoia, Conservatives and Reactionaries, Conspiracy Theories, Dark Money, Disinformation, Domestic Extremism, Education, Education Funding, Front Organizations, Interviews, National Politics, Political Action Committees, Political Contributions, Political Lies, Political Polarization, Propaganda | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Kamola, Wilson Interview – Podcast December 20, 2021