Post Interview – Podcast February 11, 2024

The Latest Republican Attacks On The Constitution, Diversity, Migrants, Voting And Common Sense. Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Dianne Post back to the show. Post is an attorney, activist, author, and teacher who specializes in human rights and women’s rights. She joins us to discuss the latest crackpot bills that have been introduced by Arizona Republican legislators.

To begin, Post explains that Republicans have introduced a number of highly partisan resolutions that, if passed, could be added to the ballot and prevent the Governor from vetoing them. These include a prohibition of voting centers aimed at reducing voter turnout, and the prohibition of the spending of federal money.

In addition, Post details several amendments that Republicans would like to add to the Arizona Constitution. Among these outlandish ideas are amendments that would establish extreme sentencing guidelines for sex crimes, an amendment that would prohibit Diversity, Equity and Inclusion programs, and an amendment that would prohibit cities from banning the use of a specific type of energy, i.e. fossil fuels.

This entry was posted in Abortion, Arizona Politics, Bigotry, Civil Liberties, Community, Conservative Paranoia, Constitutional Issues, Corrections Policy, Cultural Change, Cultural Diversity, De-regulation, Domestic Extremism, Education, Elections, Energy Policy, Government, Immigration, Interviews, Legal Issues, LGBT Issues, Misogyny, Political Polarization, Private Prisons, Racism, Regulation, Renewable Energy, States' Rights, Voter Suppression, Voting, Women's Rights and tagged , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.