Podcast – February 11, 2019

The Hidden Damage of the Trump Administration. Democratic Perspective hosts Steve Williamson, Mike Cosentino and Klaus von Stutterheim discuss some of the Trump administration’s actions that have gone relatively unnoticed – actions that been hidden by the smokescreen of scandalous behavior. Trump and his cabinet members have undermined institutions, enabled racists, caged children, engaged in trade wars, raised taxes on the middle class, damaged the environment, reduced national parks, and harmed long-standing international relationships. Many of these actions will be long-lasting. Some will be permanent.

The administration has given lifetime positions on the courts to highly-partisan ideologues. The Affordable Care Act has been severely weakened. Deficits have skyrocketed. Press conferences have all but been replaced by 140 character tweets based on lies. The corruption of self-serving administrators has cost taxpayers millions. And it will take decades to replace the highly-capable public servants who have been forced to resign.

All of this begs the question: Can we afford another two years of Trump?

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