Legalizing Marijuana in Arizona: The Pros and Cons of Ballot Proposition 205 — Podcast September 19, 2016

First Do No Harm: How Will the De-Criminalization and Regulation of Marijuana Affect Arizona’s Public Health and Safety? Democratic Perspective hosts a debate on the merits of Arizona’s Proposition 205, and whether or not its proposed decriminalization of marijuana sale and use — within certain legally defined parameters — is in the public interest. Will Proposition 205 contribute to an increase of marijuana use, and a heightened threat to the health of our children and adolescents, or will it end the practice of arbitrarily turning otherwise law-abiding recreational drug users into felons, attack organized crime’s sources of illegal income and influence, and provide additional tax revenue to the state, much as alcohol and tobacco tax revenues have traditionally done? Participating in our debate are:

Democratic Perspective Moderators: Chuck and Steve Williamson

Speaking for Yes on Proposition 205: Adam Kinsey, Campaign Manager for Yes on 205: Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, and Mikel Weisser, Democratic candidate for the House of Representatives from Arizona CD 4, and Arizona State Director of NORML, the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws.

Speaking for No on Proposition 205: Ed Gogek, MD — Psychiatrist, Substance Abuse Counselor, and author of Marijuana Debunked: A handbook for parents, pundits and politicians who want to know the case against legalization.

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