Tay Wiles Interview — Podcast July 18, 2016

The Sagebrush Insurgency: Is the Developing Alliance Between the Land Transfer and Militia Movements in the West Increasing the Threat of Violence Against Federal Agency Employees? Tay Wiles, reporter and online editor for the High Country News, joins Democratic Perspective hosts Mike Cosentino and Steve Williamson for a discussion of the increasingly heated conflict between the miners, ranchers, and ideological conservatives supporting the movement to transfer Federal lands to state and local control, and the Federal agencies currently charged with administering them. The recent involvement of armed members of so-called citizens’ militia groups, as seen in the armed confrontation of Cliven Bundy and his fellow ranchers over federal grazing fees, and in the armed occupation by his sons of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, is worrying Federal law enforcement officials.

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