Israel’s Ongoing Cycle Of Violence. Steve Williamson welcomes Mik Jordahl to discuss the history of Israel and current events in Gaza. Currently, internationally-accepted figures set the number of Palestinian deaths at about 45 thousand from the ongoing war in Gaza – most of them civilian women and children. According to Jordahl, others put the number much higher. He adds that other casualties and non-combat-related deaths are almost incalculable.
Jordahl reports that many children have been shot by snipers and that some Israeli soldiers have shared videos of what appear to be war crimes. As a result, South Africa and now Ireland have accused Israel of genocide.
Regarding Israel’s success with exploding pagers and the assassination of Hezbollah’s leader, Jordahl says, “After that happens, we usually see even more extremist measures. So, I just don’t see the cycle of violence as preventing anything. And Israel’s violence is occurring on the West Bank, too, in terms of fifty villages of Palestinians have been ethnically cleansed during the whole Gaza problem in the last year and a half.”
He says, “There’s a different path that could be done, which is urging for non-violence and equality. Israelis have chosen land over peace.”