Helstein Interview – Podcast December 1, 2024

Will Traditional Media Be Replaced By Social Media? Steve Williamson and Karen McClelland welcome Charles Helstein of KAZM, Mellow Mountain Radio in Sedona, to discuss the current mediascape and its impact on political and social issues. (KAZM, of course, has been the radio home of Democratic Perspective for the past 11 years.)

Asked why he recently purchased the radio station, Helstein responds by saying radio is more critical than we give it credit for. “Radio is kind of that warm blanket you fall back into all the time,” he says, “It’s there whether you’re thinking about it or not…Radio has a really strong reach to a lot of people throughout America that people tend to overlook.”

To further his point, Helstein tells the story of what happened when he changed the station’s programming and missed some baseball games. “You’d be shocked at the people who suddenly just call in. It’s very much part of their routine. Having altered that was upsetting to a lot of people.”

By contrast, Helstein says, “Social media and the things you guys are talking about are not for everybody.”

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