Kinsella, Moriarity and Ploog Interview – Podcast January 3, 2022

Sedona 2021: A Year Of Accomplishment. Steve Williamson welcomes Mayor Sandy Moriarty and City Council Members, Kathy Kinsella and Holli Ploog, to discuss the changes that took place last year, and what Sedona residents might look forward to in the future.

Moriarty begins by noting, “Anytime government does anything, we need data to back up what we’re doing. That’s one of the things we’ve done this year. We’ve done studies.” In particular, she refers to traffic and workforce housing studies intended to address two of the city’s major problems.

Moriarty explains that tourist traffic has always been an issue here because there are only three ways in and three ways out. As a result, the city is about to implement a major transportation plan. “We can’t build our way out of it by building roads,” she says. “We need to get people out of their cars. So, transit is a major component of it.”

Ploog says that the lack of workforce housing exacerbates the traffic problem. “The more we have people commuting in for work, the more traffic we have.” Kinsella adds that it’s also an environmental issue, since vehicles stuck in traffic create pollution.

The guests offer their insights on the challenges facing Sedona. Not surprisingly, one of those challenges is the misinformation on social media. To address that, they note that the city has created a very informative website with a search engine for those looking for the facts on a variety of topics.

This entry was posted in Community, Democratic Governance, Development, Disinformation, Environment, Environmental Issues, Federal Lands, Government, Housing, Infrastructure, Interviews, Local Politics, Public Lands, Public Policy, Public Service, Renewable Energy, Social Media, Sustainable Development, Tax and Investment Policy, Tourism, U.S. Forest Service and tagged , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.