Put Simply, the American Health Care Act Is a Disaster — Podcast May 8, 2017

The AHCA Has Passed the House: The Light At the End Of the Republican Health Care Tunnel Is an Oncoming Train. Democratic Perspective’s Mike Cosentino and Steve Williamson are joined via the magic of telephony by Silent Gary LaMaster for a discussion of the latest abomination from the Republican Congress. After seven years of yapping about the horrors of Obamacare — socialized medicine, death panels, mandates that take away our freedom of choice, etc. — the Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives has finally voted to replace it with the so-called American Health Care Act. The AHCA’s main effects: reducing taxes on rich people, and taking away the coverage of an estimated 14 million low-income people who are currently covered under Obamacare. What a surprise! The bill now goes to the Republican-controlled Senate. Stay tuned.

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