The First Draft of History: Post-Election Analysis, 2016 — Podcast November 14, 2016

What Happened Last Tuesday Is Clear Enough. Why It Happened Is Not: Democratic Perspective is joined by Klaus von Stutterheim, who despite his very German name, has been a U.S. citizen since his early 20s, and has lived and worked in this country for over 50 years, for a discussion of what happened last Tuesday, and why it happened. Germany, the country of Klaus’s birth, experienced in World War II and its aftermath  the worst imaginable consequences of widespread economic distress and the subsequent rise to political dominance of right-wing populism, yet survived it all to become a model of liberal civil society. With that experience as part of his heritage, Klaus brings some new and valuable insights to the post-election analysis of our regulars, Gary LaMaster and Steve Williamson. How does a country as divided against itself as ours is today successfully deal with future challenges? Unfortunately, that’s a question no single person, however wise, can answer.

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