About Us

Democratic Perspective is brought to you by the Verde Valley Independent Democrats, a working group founded in 2011 to bring a broad spectrum of accurate information — moderate, progressive, liberal, and Democratic — to the general public. We’ll examine issues and ideas from different perspectives that challenge the prevailing political wisdom of both parties. Democratic Perspective can be heard at 8:15 a.m. every Monday morning on AM780 KAZM and is based in beautiful Sedona, Arizona. The show is co-hosted by Mike Cosentino and Stephen Williamson with frequent guest hosts.

We promise not to shy away from controversy and engage in a serious and fact based discussion of issues. Discussions heard on Democratic Perspective will frequently be backed by supporting information linked from the Democratic Perspective Web site. And, of course, listeners can write and ask us where we get our facts. Although we are a Democratic group, we’ll be inviting Independents and Republicans to join our discussions. The show will provide a regular, vigorous discussion of issues and occasional interviews with politicians and political thinkers from all over Arizona and the United States. We already have what we think looks like a great lineup of interviews.

We hope to contribute to the national discussion of political and social issues through our weekly AM radio program and our web site. We’ll be opening to general membership and hope that listeners who find the show useful will support it economically.

Democratic Perspective Working Group:
Mike Cosentino
Gary LaMaster
Dick Searle
Marv Stalcup
William Timberman
Chuck Williamson
Stephen Williamson

Frank Costanzo
Jim Ledbetter

Ledbetter Law Firm L.L.C.
FTC & Associates

The Democratic Perspective Web site and its editorial contents are paid for by the Verde Valley Independent Democrats. They are not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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4 Responses to About Us

  1. Jessica Williamson says:

    Great start! So exciting to have this site and the radio program up and running. Congratulations and good luck.

  2. karen keller says:

    Thanks Guys! Good start to what I feel is a great idea and is necessary.

  3. Thanks to you both. It’s early days yet, but we hope to make what small contributions we can to the ongoing struggle to turn Arizona and the country around. God knows, the need is great.

  4. Frank Henry says:

    Heard your first radio show. Keep up the good work.
    If we stay focus on facts and constituional solutions
    we will see the Democratic become the lead party.

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