Tag Archives: U.S. Department of Justice

Gunnigle Interview – Podcast August 23, 2021

Holding Police Accountable. As the next in our eight-part of our series on criminal justice, Hava welcomes attorney Julie Gunnigle to discuss the DOJ investigation of the Phoenix Police Department and a variety of other civil rights issues. Gunnigle begins … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Law Enforcement, Civil Rights, Civil Society, Community Activism, Criminal Justice Reform, Criminology, Cultural Change, Department of Justice, Government, Housing, Human Rights, Interviews, Justice System, Law Enforcement, Legal Issues, Mental Health Programs, Morality, Policing, Public Accountability, Race and Class, Racial Discrimination, U.S. Court System, Women's Rights | Tagged , , , , | Comments Off on Gunnigle Interview – Podcast August 23, 2021

The Justice Department Is Phasing Out Its Use of Private Prisons: Will the States Follow Suit? — Podcast August 29, 2016

Has the Justice Department Just Struck the First Significant Blow In the Battle Against Rent-Seeking In Our Correctional Systems? Democratic Perspective hosts Mike Cosentino, Gary LaMaster, and Steve Williamson review the Justice Department’s announcement that some federal contracts with private prison corporations are being phased out. This … Continue reading

Posted in Arizona Law Enforcement, Arizona Politics, Corrections Policy, Corruption, Criminal Justice Reform, Justice System, Law Enforcement, National Politics, Penology, Podcasts, Private Prisons, Privatization | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on The Justice Department Is Phasing Out Its Use of Private Prisons: Will the States Follow Suit? — Podcast August 29, 2016