Tag Archives: Supreme Court of the United States

Alessandra Soler Interview — Podcast December 19, 2016

Now More Than Ever, the ACLU Is At the Forefront In the Defense of Our Civil Liberties, As It Has Been Since 1920: Alessandra Soler, Executive Director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona, returns to Democratic Perspective for a discussion of the state … Continue reading

Posted in Anti-Gay Discrimination, Arizona Law Enforcement, Arizona Politics, Civil Liberties, Civil Rights, Constitutional Issues, Corrections Policy, Education Policy, Immigration, Interviews, Judicial System, Law Enforcement, National Politics, Podcasts | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Alessandra Soler Interview — Podcast December 19, 2016

Politics and the Supreme Court — Podcast February 25, 2012

Politics and the Supreme Court: How Constitutional Interpretation is Influenced by Political Realities.  Gary LaMaster joins Democratic Perspective co-hosts Mike Cosentino and Steve Williamson to look at how some upcoming Supreme Court cases reflect the collision between a conservative majority on … Continue reading

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Supreme Conservatives.

On February 25, 2013, Democratic Perspective discussed the conservative lean of the Supreme Court of the United States and a few of the cases that will be heard this year by the Court. First, we explained a few facts about … Continue reading

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