The First Rule Of Politics Is Simply Showing Up. Karen McClelland welcomes Llama Habern, Precinct Leader and Field Organizer for the Yavapai County Democratic Party.
It’s been said that politics is not a spectator sport – that if you care about good governance, you need to get involved at some level whether it be as an activist, supporter, or organizer. Or as a candidate for a local school board, fire board, city council or other elected office. Habern says, “I would argue that those are the most important positions because they have the most direct impact on your life.”
For example, she notes that the Camp Verde Library and librarians are currently under attack by a local church because the library featured a pride display during Pride Month. Habern explains that she does not believe that the church’s views represent those of the majority of the community. “But we have to show them,” she says, “which means we have to show up at the city council meetings, at the library…talk to the librarians. Tell them that you appreciate what they’re doing.”