Addressing The Growing Epidemic Of Gun Violence. Guest host and Democratic Perspective contributor Stephen Hanks welcomes gun safety activists, Teresa Neiberg of Moms Demand Action and Marie Thearle of Everytown For Gun Safety, to discuss possible solutions to the growing number of senseless shootings and mass murders in the U.S.
After Hanks offers his own recommendations to address the public health crisis, he turns to his guests for their ideas. Thearle lists safe gun storage as one important component given that guns are now the leading cause of death of kids under 18 years of age. She says, “The issue of safe storage really highlights the fact that, in this country…we’re failing to find the right balance between rights and responsibilities.”
In addition to safe storage, Thearle also endorses reinstating the assault weapons ban explaining, “Every mass shooting, it’s the same type of rifle.” Other reasonable options she mentions are closing the background check loophole and increasing the training required to purchase a gun.
To enact change, Neiberg encourages volunteers to reach out to their legislators and to write letters to the editor. She also lists several activities taking place on Mothers’ Day weekend regarding the assault weapons ban. “What we’re saying is: We don’t want flowers. We don’t want a brunch. What we want is the assault weapons ban reenacted.” Neiberg adds that there will be weekend events going on across the state, including a march in northern Phoenix.