Double Dose Of Energy For Northern Arizona Democrats. Steve and Karen welcome Llama Habern and Julie Fernatt, co-chairs of the Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats. Following a highly successful campaign serving as Field Organizers during Arizona’s 2020 election, these two energetic women have taken on additional roles.
Habern is involved with the Democratic Party in many ways. She is Educational Coordinator of the Arizona Democratic Party, Precinct Committee Chair of the Yavapai County Democratic Party, Co-Chair of the Verde Valley Yavapai Democrats, and Field Organizer for Democrats of the Red Rocks.
Fernatt is also a Field Organizer for the Yavapai Democratic Party having transplanted her expertise and experience from Indiana.
Both truly enjoy the opportunity to meet Democrats and Independents. Habern describes her role(s) as connecting voters to information about issues, about candidates, about what we’re doing broadly. She says, “My favorite part of that is when we get to do field work: Talking to voters at their doors, on the phones. I just [enjoy] finding out what matters to them, what issues they care about and then making sure that we reflect that because our purpose is to serve the Democratic voters – Democrats and Independents – of the Verde Valley.”
Fernatt adds, “I think we’re trying to organize in a way that is going to open the doors to more people to get involved. We want people to understand that this isn’t a closed group. Any issue that you have you can bring to us and we’ll work with you to try to further your goals. So, we’re reaching out to youth. We’re trying to get young people more involved. We’re trying to reach out to the LGBTQIA community, to women, to people who are for gun safety, whatever it takes.”