2015: Democratic Perspective’s Year in Review — Podcast January 4, 2015

The More Things Change, the More They Stay the Same: Democratic Perspective’s 2015 in Review. Democratic Perspective looks back at the state of the nation in 2015, and isn’t exactly thrilled with what the record of events reveals. The prospects for 2016 don’t look a whole lot better, even with a presidential election in the offing.

From the white privilege performance art of the Bundys in Oregon to the open season on black people by increasingly militarized and politicized local police forces; from the tightening stranglehold of an apparently unprincipled oligarchy on our national politics to the struggle of displaced people to find refuge in an increasingly hostile US; from an economy still struggling to recover from the events of 2007-08 to the unprecedented collapse of oil prices, there’s much to be concerned about. And that’s not to mention a host of other unresolved issues, from the fiscal and refugee crises in the European Union to the struggle to arrive at an internationally coordinated response to accelerating climate change and global warming.

Is there any light at the end of the tunnel? Mike Cosentino, Gary LaMaster, Dick Searle, and Steve Williamson do what they can to untangle a very confusing moment in time, and to ascertain what it all might mean for what looks at this point to be an increasingly uncertain future.

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