Trump and Russia — Podcast June 12, 2017

Trump’s Foreign Entanglements, Russian Edition: Is There a Bottom To These Stories, and If So, How Do We Get To It?  Democratic Perspective takes a critical look at the allegations concerning President Trump and his Russian connections. Who’s telling the stories, where are they sourcing them from, and how believable are they? Given the vested interests involved, and the level of public distrust of media sources in general, and those of our political adversaries in particular, this kind of analysis is difficult, and it invariably involves a level of uncertainty even when we’ve done our best to separate the lies, the spin, and the honest reporting. The thing to remember, though, especially when the muck is flying at its thickest, is that sorting through that muck is the price of an informed citizenry, one we have no choice but to pay if we truly value our democracy.

This entry was posted in Conspiracy Theories, Constitutional Issues, Corruption, Democratic Governance, Disinformation, Foreign Affairs, Intelligence Agencies, International Relations, Investigative Journalism, National Politics, National Security, Podcasts, Political Lies, Political Polarization, Presidential Elections, Propaganda, Scandal Mongering and tagged , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.